Thursday, July 23, 2009
Field Trip Memory
-Matt O’Meara
Peoples Bank of Wisconsin
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Field Trip Memory
Field Trip Memory
Friday, July 17, 2009
- I remember the excitement of packing a sack lunch and the days of anticipation before leaving on a field trip.
- Our class visited a jail. I remember the mint green walls.
- My class visited my teachers farm.
- We rode a bus for over an hour to go to Wilderness Walk in Hayward. I remember a goat climbing up on our picnic table during lunch and a deer walking into the gift shop.
As I listened to each person's story, it reinforced why this effort is so important. Field trips create memories for children. It gives them a sense of adventure and excitement. It gives them the opportunity to be chatting with friends as adults and have a story to tell. What do you remember about going on a field trip?
Submitted by Monica Obrycki
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Jars/Containers Needed
If you or your business has containers of this nature that you would be willing to donate, please contact Diane Willer at 835-8046 or any of the Eau Claire United PTA-PTO members. Thank you!
In the news...
By Christena T. O'Brien
Leader-Telegram staff
Parents are launching a fundraiser next month in hopes of raising $70,000 to maintain Eau Claire school district curriculum-based field trips for the 2009-10 academic year. "These parents are energized, and I'm 100 percent confident they're going to raise this money," said school board member Wendy Sue Johnson, who called a group of parent leaders together earlier this year after the board approved eliminating district-funded field trips for 2009-10 as one way to address a projected budget shortfall that exceeded $4 million.
While some individual parent-teacher associations and organizations might be able to raise enough to cover the cost of field trips at their own schools, others might not, said Johnson, former chairwoman of the district's Parent Advisory Council and former co-president of the Northwoods PTO. By joining together, the group Eau Claire United PTA/PTO hopes to raise enough money so all students can go.
"Field trips are just a good thing for all kids," said Diane Willer, a north side parent who is heading up the group. "I'd really hate to see them lose out."
Possible elementary field trips for 2009-10 include to Beaver Creek Reserve, Children's Museum of Eau Claire, Chippewa Moraine Ice Age Trail, Chippewa Valley Museum and Paul Bunyan Logging Camp.
The fundraiser will run from Aug. 15 through Sept. 15. People interested in taking part can contribute. Area businesses are being solicited for assistance by asking their customers to donate $1 to the cause, displaying a collection box or agreeing to match a certain dollar amount.
Ryan and Laura Bembnister, owners of The Goat Coffee House, 408 Water St., is one business that has agreed to participate.
"The second I heard about (the fundraising effort) I wanted to be involved," said Ryan Bembnister, co-chairman of the Locust Lane PTO, a member of Eau Claire United PTA/PTO and a parent of three, who sees value in field trips.
"We're not talking about sending kids to the mall or Wisconsin Dells," he said. "They're taking trips to ... places that can benefit them outside the classroom."
EAU-D Inc., which owns several local Burger King restaurants, has agreed to match the first $5,000 raised.
"Everybody in this economy is having problems, ... but the more everybody helps, the less everybody has to put in," said Mike DeRosa, company president and parent.
O'Brien can be reached at 830-5838, 800-236-7077 or
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
In the news...
Eau Claire parents hope to bring back school field trips
07/13/09 - 10:00 PM News Report on WQOW News Channel 18 - Eau Claire
Eau Claire (WQOW) - Funding for Eau Claire school district field trips have been cut from the budget. In order to bring them back, a group of parents is hoping to raise $70,000 though a community-wide fundraiser.
The group is a combination of parents and members of various PTA's and PTO's. They are joining forces to make sure that all of the district's students will be able to go on field trips, no matter what school they go to.
Many parents chose to get involved after going to school board meetings and seeing how much the district had to cut. The group felt that some individual PTA's or PTO's would be able to fund their schools field trips on their own, but other schools would be left out.
The campaign will kick off August 15th and continue through September 15th. If they raise at least $70,000, the group says it should be able to fund all the field trips that kids went on last year.
The group's Chair Diane Willer says, "Field trips are life long learning experiences for these kids, they learn about the community and we would just hate to see them lose that."
Lesley Sauls, a parent, says, "It's the memory everyone takes with them, you know, it's the only time my daughters get to go on a school bus, it's a chance for a lot of kids to see things they've never seen before"
The group hopes to be able to hand a check for at least $70,000 to the district by October 1st.
The money will go into what is called the District 21 fund, which is through the school district, but is tax deductible.
If they don't meet their goal, they will have to pick and choose which field trips to fund. Again, the fundraising campaign will begin August 15th.
Thank you for hosting our meetings..
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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